Senin, April 21, 2008

topik sesaat

tadi lagi dalam perjalanan mengantarkan seli ke rumahnya abis dr sekbi sama ratih. tiba2 seli berkata "ndin, gue punya lagu buat lo. lo pasti suka" tiba2 JENG JENG!!

varend, happy birthday yaa. lagu ini khusus buat kmu, mudah2an kmu suka. tapi maaf yaa ak ga bisa ikut nyanyi
when the sun is falling down
the sky become so dark
i don't know how to light, i don't know how to shine
need something to fill these loneliness
one star has one light
but you as my star
can make my world so bright
i'm gonna be your sky
and their's your place to shine
my darkest night
though you fade away
im as your sky
still waiting for you to light up
cause you are my star
without you everynight is empty
suddenly you came wiht your light
swept away all my pain and
share to me some part of you
please my baby
don't ever leave the sky
there's no star like you
won't you forgive me for mistake that i've done
in the past
i promise to you
that you'll always be my star

gue langsung terhentak trus kita ber3 ketawa ngakak. gila tuh lagu udah lama bgt yaa! jaman kita kelas 2 sma, jujur aja gue selama ini ga pernah berfikir ttg ini lagu sama sekalii. yampun masa lalu gue banget tuh.